
2nd  Agriculture Precision Journey

2nd Agriculture Precision Journey

The Agrotecnio Agriculture Precision in collaboration of other groups invite you to the 2nd Agriculture Precision Journey, the 8th February in la Sala de Graus Edifici 1 in ETSEA (Lleida). Here you will find the sessions and events: EVENTS AND SESSIONS

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Announcement of places in University of Florida

Announcement of places in University of Florida

The University of Florida, Agronomy Department, Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program  is seeking highly motivated researchers at the postdoctoral(holding a recent Ph.D degree), holding an M.S. degree or...

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AT seminar on May the 25th

AT seminar on May the 25th

AGROTECNIO i el Departament de Producció Vegetal i Ciència Forestal de la Universitat de Lleida es complauen a convidar-vos al seminari " Grain growth related to expansin-proteins expression in wheat and sunflower " a càrrec del Dr. Daniel Calderini (Univ Austral de...

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AT seminar 17th May

AT seminar 17th May

AGROTECNIO SEMINAR From Agrotecnio we are hosting, on 17th of May, a seminar: "Developing a Non-destructive Method for Assessing Genetic and Management-Induced Differences in Tolerance of Crops to Abiotic Stresses" From 13.30 by Dr. Bao-Luo Ma, Agriculture and...

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