Agrotecnio brings together 11 of the world’s leading researchers, according to a Stanford University study
The Fundació Centre de Recerca en Agrotecnologia-Agrotecnio brings together 11 of the world's leading researchers in their disciplines, according to the study 'Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators' conducted by researchers from...
Más de 100 profesionales participan en el ‘I Curso online de identificación y manejo de malas hierbas de cereales de invierno’
El grupo de Malherbología y Ecología Vegetal de Agrotecnio (Crop Protection) y la Universitat de Lleida (UdL) imparte desde el 25 al 28 de enero la 25ª edición del curso “Identificación y manejo de malas hierbas de cereales de invierno”, que este año se celebra por...
Lorenzo Fraile, professor de la UdL i investigador d’Agrotecnio, a la Comissió ‘One Health’ dels veterinaris catalans
El professor de l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Agrària (ETSEA) de la Universitat de Lleida (UdL) i membre del grup de recerca en Millora Genètica (Animal Breeding) d'Agrotecnio, Lorenzo José Fraile, és un dels quatre membres de la Comissió 'One Health', creada...
Inés Samperi, guanyadora del Premi al Millor TFM en Enginyeria Agrònoma: “El progrés ve de la mà de la investigació”
Inés Samperi, titulada en el Màster en Enginyeria Agronòmica (MENAG) de la Universitat de Lleida (UdL), ha guanyat el 3r Premi d'Excel·lència al millor Treball Final del Màster (TFM) en Enginyeria Agrònoma que atorga el Col·legi d'Enginyers Agrònoms de Catalunya....
Butterfly monitoring schemes could be used for detecting the impacts of agriculture on biodiversity
Butterfly monitoring networks, such as the Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (CBMS) initiative, could be used to assess the impacts of intensive agriculture and transgenic crops on biodiversity. This is what researchers of the University of Lleida (UdL) and...
European Researchers’ Night 2020
At Agrotecnio we will participate together with the University of Lleida (UdL) in the #EuropeanResearchersNight, a scientific dissemination event in which we will bring research closer to the general public. Specifically, two Agrotecnio-UdL research groups will be...
Weed science open seminars
To commemorate the International Year of Plant Health, within the Weed Science subject of the Master's Degree in Integrated Crop Protection of the University of Lleida, online seminars have been organized with national and international experts in Weed Science. The...
Agrotecnio submits two research projects to the PANDÈMIES 2020 funding call
The Fundació Centre de Recerca en Agrotecnologia - Agrotecnio has submitted two research projects to the Generalitat of Catalonia's funding call "Replegar-se per créixer: l'impacte de les pandèmies en un món sense fronteres visibles" (PANDÈMIES 2020). Specifically,...
Agrotecnio presents its lines of research to the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food
The Fundació Centre de Recerca en Agrotecnologia-Agrotecnio received yesterday the visit of the minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Teresa Jordà, who knew first-hand the scientific projects carried out in this CERCA...
Teresa Capell collects the Creu de Sant Jordi
The Agrotecnio researcher Teresa Capell collected yesterday the Creu de Sant Jordi award:"for all their research in the field of agricultural biotechnology, which have focused on the need for an improvement in the quality of life of people." The President of the...
Paul Christou Narcís Monturiol Medal
The Agrotecnio Applied Biotechnology PI and ICREA research Paul Christou, who also was Agrotecnio director from 2013 to 2015, will receive the Narcís Monturiol Medal awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya. The government's resolution highlights that "he was...
An Article and an interview by an Agrotecnio researcher posted in newspapers websites
The researcher Victor Resco de Dios, forest management group, has been interviewed by "La Vanguardia" newspaper about the severity of desertification and drough. An article in "" was also posted from a Resco publication about the summer resurrection of...