Agrotechnology researches the resilience of barley and malt to heat stress and premature sprouting
This is a collaborative project with the companies La Moravia (Damm group), Semillas Batlle and Cupasa, and is financed by the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Generalitat de Catalunya The aim is to improve the malting barley value chain and...
Agrotecnio launches 6 projects with the Departments of Law and Economics and Business of the University of Lleida
The Foundation encourages its scientists to collaborate with other researchers at the UdL The initiative includes a project on the importance of women in the preservation of agrobiodiversity and the promotion of e-commerce in the pig sector The CERCA Agrotecnio...
Agrotecnio incorporates 3 new young researchers in the plant and environmental field
The CERCA center Agrotecnio has recently incorporated 3 new young researchers of excellence who will join the research groups in the area of agronomy and environment coordinated by the centre. They are three researchers with an international profile who will form part...
Agrotecnio is involved in a project to develop a genetic marker application to improve the survival of fattening pigs affected by respiratory disease
This is an Operational Groups 2023 project, financed by Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Government of Catalonia The participants are Selección Batallé SA (Leader), Vall Companys SAU (beneficiary), Ramadera Montpedrós, SLU (beneficiary), Grup...
Plant & Environmental sciences
Animal Sciences
Food Sciences
Agrotecnio in figures
Research groups
in plant & environmental, animal and food sciences recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Active projects
National projects
International projects
1,817,023 € financial amount. (2019)
Joint Research Unit with the
Forest Science and
Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC)
Doctoral Theses
in the University of Lleida (From 2014 to 2020)
Agrotecnio researchers
Senior researchers
Postdoctoral researchers
PhD students
ICREA Researchers
from 20 countries. 45% of whom are women.
ICREA Academia Researchers
Scientific publications
annual average. H-Index 55.
of our publications are within the 1% most cited papers:
among others in Nature, Nature Climate Change, Science, PNAS (Last CERCA Evaluation, 2018).
Agreements and special projects
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative
the International Wheat Yield Partnership
with companies in the agri-food sector.
(2020) 631,754 € Funds