Applied Mycology

Publications since 2013
Principal Investigator
Sònia Marín
191, Rovira Roure Avenue
25198 (Lleida) – Spain
+34 973-702535

- Prevent the mycotoxin accumulation in foods and feeds through the food chain
- Reduce the public’s exposure to mycotoxins
Research Lines
- Mould ecophysiology- Predictive Mycology for food/feed safety
- Fate of mycotoxins during food processing
- Mycotoxin Exposure Assessment –biomonitoring
- Molecular tools applied to mycotoxigenic fungal species
Main activities
- Isolation and characterization of moulds from foods and feeds
- Determination of mycotoxins and metabolites
- Analysis of gene expression and phylogenetic studies
- Studies to assess the effect of food processing on mycotoxins
- Exposure assessment studies
- In vitro bioaccessibility studies
International Impact
World leading position in mycotoxin prevention strategies in foods and feeds based on manipulation of environmental storage/field conditions for the most relevant mycotoxin-producing fungi, Europe leading position in predictive mycology applied to mycotoxins.
Senior Researchers
Vicent Sanchis
Sònia Marin
Antonio Ramos
Francisco Molino
Mercè Torres
Jean Carlos Correia Perez Costa
Tiago de Melo Nazareth
Bernat Borràs Vallverdú
Silvia Botello
Montserrat Prim Latorre
Jordi Vidal Berenguer
PHD students
Alex Vicens Sans
Enric Llorens Serentil
Irene Teixidó Orries
Tomas Sierra Gil