
Microalgae and Insects to Transform Agri-Food By-Products and Waste into Valuable Resources
Agrotecnio and Parc Agrobiotech Lleida have organized a new informative breakfast to showcase the work of two companies that process agri-food residues and treat waste to manufacture sustainable and value-added products. As part of the new Breakfast4Inno, organized...
Agrotecnio presents a new project to promote value-added soybean cultivation
A hundred farmers attended the technical conference co-organized with the companies Elian Barcelona and Cerescamp to explore the possibilities of this crop as a sustainable and competitive alternative. Agrotecnio has signed an agreement with Elian Barcelona to...
Agrotecnio drives the digitalization of fattening farms for a more efficient and sustainable pig production
The digitalization of the pig sector continues to advance and has now reached fattening farms, a key phase in pork production. The use of automatic feeders and other sensors provides valuable data on the animals' feeding behavior, paving the way for more efficient and...
Camelina: A Strategic Crop to Tackle Drought and Ensure the Sustainability of Irrigated Agriculture in Catalonia
Agrotecnio and UdL secure support from the Department of Agriculture to carry out a demonstration project to study and promote this oilseed crop. This activity is co-financed by the EU through intervention 7201 of the CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027. Camelina (Camelina...


Plant & Environmental sciences

Animal Sciences

Food Sciences
Agrotecnio in figures

Research groups
in plant & environmental, animal and food sciences recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Active projects
National projects
International projects
1,817,023 € financial amount. (2019)

Joint Research Unit with the
Forest Science and
Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC)

Doctoral Theses
in the University of Lleida (From 2014 to 2020)

Agrotecnio researchers
Senior researchers
Postdoctoral researchers
PhD students
ICREA Researchers
from 20 countries. 45% of whom are women.
ICREA Academia Researchers

Scientific publications
annual average. H-Index 55.
of our publications are within the 1% most cited papers:
among others in Nature, Nature Climate Change, Science, PNAS (Last CERCA Evaluation, 2018).

Agreements and special projects
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative
the International Wheat Yield Partnership

with companies in the agri-food sector.
(2020) 631,754 € Funds