Innovative barley-based fuctional foods (INNOBAR)
The INNOBAR project will aim at obtaining new barley varieties with naked and colored grain adapted to Spanish growing conditions, with high content of soluble fiber (beta-glucans) and phenolic compounds with high antioxidant capacity. New genotypes of naked grain,...
GENAVIT: Nutrigenetic regulation of the content and composition of fat in the pig
The latest nutritional guidelines recommend reducing the amount of saturated fat consumed and replacing it by mono- or Ω3-polyunsaturated fat, rather than with refined carbohydrates calories. Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) represent the major portion of pork’s fat...
New advanced multi mycotoxin adsorbents based feed bentonites to improve food security
In the last decade, mycotoxins have become a first order problem of food security due mainly to climate change. Mycotoxins are substances produced by certain species of filamentous fungi which, even at low concentrations, are toxic to both humans and animals. They can...
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