Forest Management


Publications since 2013

191, Rovira Roure Avenue

25198 (Lleida) – Spain

34 973 702851


  • Understand threats to forest trees posed by climate change for anticipatory adaptation policies
  • Improve sustainable forest management within global change scenarios

Research Lines

  • Ecophysiology of forest trees in Mediterranean environments
  • Provision of forest goods and services
  • Forest modelling and spatial statistics

Main activities

  • Evaluation of carbon and water balances under drought
  • Analysis of evolutionary trade-offs and forecast of adaptive potential in forest tree species
  • Dynamics of forest productivity (including non-timber forest products) as related to global change
  • Characterization of inter-specific competition between forest trees in drought-prone areas
  • Palaeoenvironmental inference based on isotopic analysis of living and fossil material

International Impact

Europe leading position on the use of stable isotopes to record agricultural and ecological changes in dry environments. Pioneered worldwide the interpretation of agricultural and climatic signals in the archaeobotanical record over the last 10,000 years.

Senior Researchers


Tatiana Shestakova

PHD students

Erica Lombardi
Giada Centenaro