Animal Nutrition and Environment

Publications since 2013
Principal Investigator
Joaquim Balcells
191, Rovira Roure Avenue
25198 (Lleida) – Spain
+34 973 706498

- Study the impact of animal production in the context of climate change and propose mitigation measures.
Research Lines
- Use of local products for animal feeding
- Studying the impact of heat stress on metabolism in monogastrics
- Influence of feed on immune status in ruminants
- Use of additives to mitigate the impact of livestock excrement
- Proposals for differential management at an early age to promote resilience and robustness in ruminants.
Main activities
They are articulated through competencies based on the study of:
- Use of Next Generation Sequencing to study the digestive microbiota
- Use of gene expression to study immunity
- Handling of isotopic markers to study metabolism
- Analysis of greenhouse gases
International Impact
- Recognized international experience in the impact of livestock farming on the production of pollutant gases.
- Participation in European projects (Feed-a-gene) and collaborations with groups of international prestige (INRAe).
Laura Sarri Espinosa
PHD students
Esperanza Fuertes Gimeno