Crop Physiology

Principal Investigator
Gustavo Slafer
191, Rovira Roure Avenue
34 973 702851

• Main aim is to optimize productivity, quality and sustainability of major crop production systems of Mediterranean regions
To fulfill this main aim, we perform genetic, agronomic and physiological studies testing diverse hypotheses on improvements of current crop production systems in the Ebro Valley. We undertake different studies to (i) identifying major physiological attributes determining yield and quality of major grain crops (chiefly barley, wheat and maize), (ii) developing tools for breeding more productive-higher quality crops using more efficiently limited resources, (iii) evaluating crop management strategies (fertilization, rotations, sowing densities) maximizing net returns whilst minimizing environmental damage
Research Lines
• Physiological and genetic bases of developmental and growth determinants of yield components
• Abiotic stress and its effects on grain yield and quality (including interactions N x water, N x heat)
• Nitrogen management and its effects on yield and quality (including organic sources of N)
• Genetics and physiology of grain quality (industrial quality and healthier grain components)
• Collaboration in breeding of barley grains with particular quality attributes (waxy, beta-glucans)
• Crop rotations based on maize
• Alfalfa production and quality
Main activities
• Field experiments under different environments and water and nitrogen availabilities
• Controlled conditions experiments to test detailed physiological traits/responses
• Analysis of genetic and physiological factors affecting crop growth, development, yield and quality
• Measurement of impacts of management practices on crops and environment
• Lab analysis of soils and plants (including quality determinations)
International Impact
• Leading position work in wheat and barley development regarding phenological phases and floret development and growth and on physiological bases in wheat yield
• Influential papers on abiotic stresses in grain yield and quality of different grain crops
• Participation in consortia of international projects and networks
• Members of the group with relevant positions in Editorial Boards of Relevant International Journals
Senior Researchers
Mariona Martínez
Priyanka Basavaraddi
Constanza Carrera
Rocío Ploschuk
Santiago Tamagno
PHD students
Jorge Parrado Marrades
Breno de Almeida Vieitez
Celia Rasines
Hassan Karim
Sofia Marchese
Iván Friero Moreno