EU China Lever form IPM demonstration (EUCLID)

EU China Lever form IPM demonstration (EUCLID)

EUCLID’s goal is to contribute to securing food production while developing sustainable production approaches to be used in European and Chinese agricultures. EUCLID has the ambition to deliver the simultaneous optimisation of current pest management methods and the...


HEALTHY AND SUSTAINABLE MILK AND MEAT PRODUCTION (SUSMILKMEAT) The project develops genetic, nutritional and management knowledge/practices to enhance milk and pork quality. It benefits from the multidisciplinary expertise of the centre (9 PIs and their groups) and...


NOVEL, HEALTHY AND SAFE GRAPE PRODUCTS We will take profit of the multidisplinary and multiple-focussed research expertise from allresearch groups linked to food science and nutrition and food technology, plus some others involved in research at the field level. The...


OPTIMIZING NITROGEN USE IN CEREALS UNDER MEDITERRANEAN AGRICULTURE We will attempt to identify opportunities for increasing cereal efficiency in using N. The project will embrace genotypic and management aspects to maximize productivity while minimizing environmental...


INDUSTRIAL AND NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS AND INGREDIENTS IN MAIZE We will capitalize on our unique and multidisciplinary expertise to explore fundamental underpinning science and also translational research on high value products and processes focusing on the use of maize...