Early Career Forum: Ethics in research
How is ethics related to science when ethics is about what is good or wrong and science is about what is true or false? The fourth edition of Agrotecnio’s Early Career Forum, which took place on 27th June, kickstarted with this question launched to the audience by...
Presentation of ‘Plant Health in Agriculture and Forestry: Challenges and Perspectives for the Next Decade’
Today in Madrid, the Royal Academy of Engineering is hosting the presentation of La sanidad vegetal en la agricultura y silvicultura: Retos y perspectivas para la próxima década ('Plant Health in Agriculture and Forestry: Challenges and Perspectives for the Next...
The fourth Early Careers Forum will address Ethics in research
What is scientific integrity or how to address bioethics when researching? On Tuesday 27th June, Agrotecnio joins forces with the University of Lleida to organise the fourth edition of the Early Careers Forum, a series of events aimed at PhD students and postdocs –...
The greatest social challenge of drought: distributing resources equitably and sustainably
More than 120 people gathered at the conference "Water and Agriculture: research and development for sustainable agriculture in the face of water scarcity" organized jointly by Agrotecnio and the Higher Technical School of Engineering, Forestry and Veterinary of...
Registration open for the event ‘Water & Agriculture: Research and development for sustainable agriculture in a context of water scarcity’
The spring of 2023 is proving to be one of the driest of the century on the Iberian Peninsula. March was a particularly dry month and, according to data from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), it was also one of the warmest of the century, with 1.8ºC...
José Antonio Bonet, new director of Agrotecnio
Replaces Ignacio Romagosa, who has been the director during the last 5 years Lleida, 11 April 2023. The Board of Trustees of the Agrotecnio Foundation has chosen , José Antonio Bonet Lledós, as the new director of this research center. He will hold the position for a...
Jornada tècnica en línia: “Tecnologia de polsos elèctrics per a la innovació en el sector alimentari”
El proper dimecres 29 de març de 11 a 13 hores El grup de Noves Tecnologies de Processament d'Aliments d'Agrotecnio, realitza una jornada tècnica en línia en el marc del Pla Anual de Transferència Tecnològica del DACC. L’ús de la tecnologia de polsos elèctrics en el...
Cyanovirin-N could stop SARS-CoV-2 infection
A research by researchers from the United States, Brazil, University of Lleida and the CERCA centers IrsiCaixa and Agrotecnio demonstrates this Lleida, 2 March 2023. A type of protein called cyanovirin-N is able to stop the transmission of new variants of SARS-CoV-2,...
El canvi climàtic allargarà un mes la temporada de grans incendis arreu del món
La Mediterrània és una de les zones en perill, darrere dels biomes tropicals Lleida, 17 de gener de 2023. L'escalfament global pot allargar un mínim de 30 dies la temporada de grans incendis als boscos de tots els continents en les properes dècades. La Mediterrània és...
A compilation of 1,000 photographs of field crops published
The document contains images of 21 crop species, their agricultural practices and curiosities collected over the last thirty years Published in Catalan, Spanish and English, the collection of photographs is available free of charge on the Agrotecnio website Lleida,...
José Antonio Martínez Casasnovas, guardonat per la seua contribució a l’agricultura de precisió
El catedràtic de la Universitat de Lleida (UdL) i membre del Grup de Recerca en AgròTICa i Agricultura de Precisió (GRAP) d'Agrotecnio, José Antonio Martínez Casasnovas, ha estat guardonat amb el premi 'Gent per canviar el món' que atorga anualment el Col·legi Oficial...
Mixed-species forests and genetic improvement, keys to the future of forest management
Genetically improving trees and making the transition to mixed-species forests could be key measures for developing climate-intelligent forestry to help mitigate global warming. This is according to research by the University of Lleida (UdL), the Forest Science and...