Lleida Tech workshop on artificial intelligence and optimisation promotes contact between academia and the business world

Oct 27, 2023

How are artificial intelligence, data science and optimisation systems applied in the efficient digitalisation of businesses? For two days, on 26 and 27 October, the Lleida Tech congress has tried to answer this question thanks to the participation of staff from universities, research centres and national and international companies. As a research centre and collaborator of the Agrobiotech Park of Lleida, Agrotecnio has contributed to the organisation of these conferences.

Lleida Tech was opened by Pilar Bosch Vilana, councillor of culture and promotion of Lleida, and Jordi Voltas, deputy to the vice-rectorate of research of the UdL and also principal investigator of the Agrotecnio forestry production group. Throughout the morning, eight researchers presented their experiences and projects linked to the agricultural and industrial sector. They also debated the impact of artificial intelligence in these sectors and the development possibilities it offers for the future.

On Friday, the session was opened by Xavier Ticó, representing the Agrobiotech Park of Lleida, and Lluís Miquel Pla, representing Agrotecnio. A dozen representatives from universities and research centres continued with the presentation of projects and experiences linked to the modernisation and digitisation of the agri-food sector, and the workshop closed with a visit to the city of Lleida.

The promotion of contact between universities, research centres and companies is essential to ensure the transfer of knowledge and technology from academia to the business world.