Agrotecnio understands the research as a way where present investigators walk for the future investigators.
To ensure we meet this objective Agrotecnio is based on the doctoral program of the UDL to assist in the training of future scientists .
In addition , scientists from Agrotecnio work together with the responsible of the ETSEA’s master to ensure the provision of training of the highest quality.

PhD Programmes

The Doctoral School organizes all activities leading to the acquisition of skills and abilities necessary for obtaining a doctorate in doctorate programs.
The Doctoral School of the University of Lleida is established as a center of higher education with a mission to organize academic and administrative activities regarding doctoral studies, so as to ensure the quality of academic offerings and effectiveness in management for the promotion of excellence in research and collaboration between universities and other agencies, schools, institutions and organizations active in R + D + I public and private, domestic and foreign, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of Royal Decree 99/2011.

Master Studies

Agrotecnio collaborates with docence responsibles to ensure that the masters of the UDL are programmed from the perspective of alignment between teaching and research and high academic standards.
Official master’s degrees are awarded on the completion of postgraduate studies at the UdL. They are designed for teaching and research purposes to high academic standards
These courses will allow students to acquire advanced specialised and/or multidisciplinary training geared to academic or professional specialisation. Such training should also encourage them to conduct their own research projects.
The UdL’s status as a leading university for research of national and international excellence in both the agri-food industry and forestry now offers a wide range of high quality degrees taught by leading experts in their respective fields who belong to universities of international renown.
Master’s Degree in Integrated Pest Management
inter-university master’s degree
Master’s Degree in Plant Breeding
Master’s Degree in Swine Health and Production
inter-university master’s degree
Master’s Degree in Management and Innovation in the Food Industry
Master’s Degree in Soil and Water Management
inter-university master’s degree