
Registration open for the ‘Early career researchers Forum’

Registration open for the ‘Early career researchers Forum’

The Agrotecnio CERCA Center and the University of Lleida would like to invite you to the first "Early career researchers forum", a series of periodic cross-disciplinary training meetings on research-related topics. The aim is to share experiences with researchers on...

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Agrotecnio integrates CERCA’s delegation visit to Finland

Agrotecnio integrates CERCA’s delegation visit to Finland

The purpose of the mission is to establish alliances and new projects with research and R&D institutions in the Nordic country. From Tuesday 13th September to Friday 16th September, a delegation of centres led by Lluís Rovira, director of CERCA, will visit...

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Nova eina per millorar el potencial de rendiment del blat

Nova eina per millorar el potencial de rendiment del blat

La UdL i el CIMMYT proposen el diagrama de cablejat per analitzar la interacció de trets fisiològics  Lleida, 25 de juliol de 2022. Comprendre millor totes les relacions entre els trets fisiològics que determinen el rendiment del blat al llarg del seu cicle de...

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Five Agrotecnio researchers, among the top 5,000 in Spain

Five Agrotecnio researchers, among the top 5,000 in Spain

The Agrotecnio and University of Lleida researchers Olga Martín, principal investigator of the Novel Technologies for Food Processing group; Roxana Savin, from the Crop Physiology group; Gemma Oms, from the Novel Technologies for Food Processing group; Romi Pena, from...

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Tallar l’alfals a l’hivern redueix la plaga de cuca verda

Tallar l’alfals a l’hivern redueix la plaga de cuca verda

Realitzar un tall d'hivern als camps d'alfals (Medicago sativa) redueix més del 50% les poblacions primaverals de cuca verda (Hypera postica Gyllenhal), davant la qual els insecticides són poc eficaços. Així ho assenyala una recerca del grup de Protecció de Cultius...

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