14 researchers attached to Agrotecnio, among the most cited scientific personnel in the world in 2022
A total of 14 researchers from the University of Lleida (UdL) and the University of Barcelona (UB) attached to Agrotecnio are in the database of the most cited scientific personnel in the world, prepared by Stanford University (USA), the scientometrics company SciTech...
Research uncovers that dwarf willows in the Apennines are at least 2,000 years old
Giada Centenaro, PhD student at the Doctoral School from the University of Lleida (UdL) and member of Agrotecnio-CERCA’s Forest Management research group, has carried out a study together with other international researchers which shows that there are three specimens...
More than 100 people participate in Agrotecnio’s first teambuilding activity
The Agrotechnology Research CERCA Centre, Agrotecnio, was created in 2012 and since then has maintained a steady growth trajectory. With more than 150 scientists organised into fifteen research groups and linked to two Catalan universities, Agrotecnio is today one of...
Close to nature forestry, an efficient tool to reduce the vulnerability of Mediterranean mixed forests to drought
In response to the increase in drought events, the Joint Research Unit from Agrotecnio and the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC), in collaboration with the University of Lleida, has studied innovative approaches to improve the drought resilience...
The National Association of Precision Agriculture is presented in Lleida during the Sant Miquel Agricultural Fair
In the framework of the Sant Miquel Agricultural Fair, Jaume Arnó, member of the AgroICT and Precision Agriculture Research Group of Agrotecnio and the University of Lleida, presents today the National Association of Precision Agriculture (ANAP, by its Spanish...
A doctoral thesis analyses the influence of barley cultivation on the properties of malt, wort and beer
Neus Prieto, PhD from the University of Lleida (UdL), has presented a doctoral thesis that analyses how the variety and growing area of barley affects the properties of the malt, wort and beer produced from it. It is a thesis directed by Mª Paz Romero and Ignacio...
Biodiversity protects against invasions of non-native tree species
For centuries, human activity has intentionally or unintentionally driven the spread of plant species to areas far outside their native habitat. On average, about 10% of non-native species worldwide become invasive, often causing large ecological and economic...
Now open: Expressions of interest for a job offer in agri-food innovation dynamization
The University of Lleida and the Agrobiotech Park of Lleida will open a place for a in the promotion of agri-food innovation at the start of the 2023-2024 course. A young, technical profile is sought (must be less than 30 years old at the time of recruitment) to...
The University of Lleida closes its facilities to the public from 5 to 27 August
The University of Lleida (UdL) closes its facilities to the public this Saturday, 5th of August, and until the 27th of the same month. All buildings will have limited access to staff. The UdL plans to save 85,000 euros in electricity, telephony and cleaning, among...
Agrotecnio and the University of Lleida lead ‘PalmerNET’, a network to fight against a plant that threatens corn fields
The crop protection research group of Agrotecnio-UdL leads the thematic network “PalmerNET”, formed by four universities and fours research centres to fight against an invasive weed species, Amaranthus palmeri, which infests hundreds of hectares of cornfields in the...
A study by the UdL, the CTFC and Agrotecnio reveals an increased production of mushrooms in black pine forests by the end of summer
Black pine forests (Pinus uncinata) produce more mushrooms than other forests located at lower elevations, such as red pine forests. With a similar number of species, they have one of the highest productivity and fungal wealth values in the Mediterranean basin. In...
Five oral presentations and two posters by Agrotecnio-UdL researchers during the 14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
The 14th edition of the European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) took place from July 2nd to 6th in Bologna, Italy. The ECPA is the biennial event of reference for Precision Agriculture in Europe and its objective is to showcase the results of ongoing...