Agrotecnio’s Scientific Advisory Board meets to review the Strategic Plan

Feb 29, 2024

On 20 and 21 February, Agrotecnio hold a hybrid meeting of its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), an external organism composed of international researchers and experts in the fields of agronomy, animal sciences and food science and technology. The principal objective of this year meeting was to evaluate and review Agrotecnio’s Strategic Plan, which has been in preparation for the last months. Thank to their comments and suggestions, Agrotecnio will be able to send a final version of this strategic document to its Board of Trustees, in charge of approving it.

The agenda began on 20th February with a visit of field experiments. After lunch, the Director, José Antonio Bonet, gave a presentation about the process for elaborating the Strategic Plan as well as the centre’s activity since May 2022, when the last SAB meeting took place. Other presentations took place afterward, by the communications officer of the centre as well as five researchers representing Agrotecnio’s three main areas of research and flagship projects.

The second day of the meeting was devoted to private meetings of the SAB members, who later shared a series of recommendations for Agrotecnio to take into account in its Strategic Plan.

Agrotecnio’s Scientific Advisory Board is formed by Dr. Angharad Gatehouse (Newcastle University), who is the chairperson; Jakob Santner (University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences, Vienna); Marina Heinonen (Helsinky University); Abelardo de la Vega (CORTEVA); Harinder P.S. Makkar (University of Hohenheim) and Osvaldo Sala (Arizona State University).  More information about this board is available here.