II Spanish Symposium on Physiology and Breeding of Cereals

Oct 15, 2018 | 0 comments

The II Spanish Symposium on Physiology and Cereal Improvement (#SEFiMeC) is organized within the framework of the FiRCMe Network (Physiology of Performance and Quality for the Improvement of Grains), open to the entire Mediterranean scientific community interested in these thematic areas, although the contributions from non-Mediterranean countries will also be welcome.

The objective of this Symposium is to create a fertile space for exchange and the possibility of facilitating synergies between scientific groups working on issues of physiology, genetics and grain improvement. The collaborations and synergies between Spanish groups and other countries in these scientific fields will improve the levels of multidisciplinarity, impact and internationalization of the research activity they already carry out, in the search for solutions for global agriculture, and in particular that of Mediterranean areas. Therefore, this event can facilitate the establishment of consortiums that could potentially participate in actions of the Euro-Mediterranean initiative Partnership on Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA), focused on the sustainable management of water and agri-food systems.

This Second Spanish Symposium on Physiology and Cereal Improvement will focus on the physiology and improvement of quality (industrial, nutritional) without losing sight of the aspects of physiology and performance improvement. This means that jobs that focus on aspects of performance, physiology as well as quality are welcome.

Here you have the website of the Symposium www.sefimec.csic.es

Check the flyer of the Symposium