Director of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza of the International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (IAMZ-CIHEAM) (to 31/August/2015)
Responsible of the Agriculture and Food Area of the Ibero-American Programme of Science and Technology for Development (CYTED)
Scientific Coordinator of the Plant Breeding Master jointly offered by IAMZ-CIHEAM and the UdL which has been accredited with a seal of “Excellence” and with the International and Research labels by the Generalitat de Catalunya
Professor, University of Lleida
Our research work mainly focus on the development of new barley materials for human nutrition and for special feeds. We aim at obtaining genotypes with normal and hull-less, coloured and coloured-less grain, with waxy
(high amylopectin) and normal endosperm, with high beta-glucan content for direct human or animal consumption adapted to the Spanish agronomic conditions. We also work on methods to obtain barley extracts enriched in beta-glucans with the objective of exploring its use as additive for food and feed and other alternative uses. I, personally, also provide internal and external support on complex statistical and quantitative genetic methods to other groups.