Approximately one third of all food produced globally is wasted every year throughout the whole value chain-from farmers to consumers. To extract the significant amounts of valuable compounds contained in these wastes, AgriMax will combine affordable and flexible processing technologies for the valorization of side streams from the horticultural culture and food processing industry to be used in a cooperative approach by local stakeholders.
To achieve this objective, we have raised the following specific objectives:
1: To map the available AFPW and their features
2: To define the specifications for waste derived bio-compounds and pilot processes
3: To set up two flexible pilot plants for processing bio-wastes
4: To use the delivered pilot plants to process AFPW into value added bio-compounds
5: To validate and demonstrate the use of derived bio-compounds in packaging applications
6: To validate and demonstrate the use of AFPW derived bio-compounds in food applications
7: To validate and demonstrate the use of AFPW derived bio-compounds in agricultural applications.
8: To demonstrate the safety & regulatory compliance, as well as environmental & economic sustainability of the developed processes and products
9: To implement a joint stakeholder platform for operating the cooperative processing plants
10: To define sustainable value chains and propose suitable business models for the cooperative processing of AFPW

Agri and food waste valorisation co-ops based on flexible multi-feedstocks biorefinery processing technologies for new high added value applications

Research group
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Type of action