AT seminar on May the 25th

AT seminar on May the 25th

AGROTECNIO i el Departament de Producció Vegetal i Ciència Forestal de la Universitat de Lleida es complauen a convidar-vos al seminari » Grain growth related to expansin-proteins expression in wheat and sunflower » a càrrec del Dr. Daniel Calderini (Univ Austral de...
AT seminar 17th May

AT seminar 17th May

AGROTECNIO SEMINAR From Agrotecnio we are hosting, on 17th of May, a seminar: «Developing a Non-destructive Method for Assessing Genetic and Management-Induced Differences in Tolerance of Crops to Abiotic Stresses» From 13.30 by Dr. Bao-Luo Ma, Agriculture and...
2nd Symposium of reproduction of high production dairy cow

2nd Symposium of reproduction of high production dairy cow

Eighty researchers, veterinarians, farmers, technicians and students from different companies will meet tomorrow at the School of Agricultural Engineering (ETSEA) of the University of Lleida (UDL), during the second Symposium of reproduction of high production dairy...
UdL ranks second in food research.

UdL ranks second in food research.

The University of Lleida (UDL) is the second most influential scientific institution of the world in terms of food science and technology, according to the study by Thomson Reuters company on the state of innovation in 2015. This company owns the prestigious Web of...


DOSAFRUT system, implemented by the Research Group of Agrotics and Precision Agriculture of Agrotecnio in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture of the Government, can reduce up to 50% using pesticide on fruit without losing the efficacy of the treatment....