Registration open for the ‘Early career researchers Forum’

Sep 21, 2022 | 0 Comentarios

The Agrotecnio CERCA Center and the University of Lleida would like to invite you to the first «Early career researchers forum», a series of periodic cross-disciplinary training meetings on research-related topics. The aim is to share experiences with researchers on different steps and aspects of the researcher’s life, as well as to improve your skills in, for example, how to write a successful research article or project, how to speak in public or how to manage the challenges of a thesis or postdoc.

The first «Early career researchers forum» will deal with the «Academic Scientific Career». It will take place on 7th October, at 10:00 a.m., at the ETSEA Campus (Sala de Graus, Building 1). In this meeting we will have talks about the model research career in the Academia and the personal experience of evaluators of the funding calls Juan de la Cierva, Ramón y Cajal and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

Please complete this form and come to the meeting:

We are waiting for you!