Agrotecnio participates in a project in the baby food sector to control the presence of mycotoxins in fruit

Feb 3, 2025

  • The aim is to develop protocols for the control and prevention of mycotoxins produced by the fungus Alternaria, which can contaminate pears and apples used in the manufacture of baby food.
  • The Department of Food Technology, Engineering and Science (DTECAL) of the University of Lleida (UdL), the company INDULLEIDA S.A. and the company NUFRI, S.L. are participating in the project 

The center Agrotecnio and the Department of Technology, Engineering and Food Science (DTECAL) of the University of Lleida (UdL) have initiated a project focused on developing protocols for the control and prevention of the presence of mycotoxins from the fungus Alternaria, which can contaminate apples and pears used in the manufacture of baby food.  

This fungus causes foliar necrosis of the trees and also affects the fruit, reducing its quality and compromising its marketability. In addition, it can pose a risk to public health if these moulds are able to produce and accumulate mycotoxins in the fruit.  

 Food contamination with mycotoxins occurs naturally and the concentration of these substances can increase as a result of environmental conditions or depending on the procedures used in harvesting, storage and processing of food products.  

The information obtained in this project, called Alternaria, will provide the necessary knowledge to implement prevention and control procedures to ensure a safer product that will have an impact on the well-being and health of the final consumer.  

The project is led by the company INDULLEIDA S.A. and also has the support and technical advice of the company NUFRI, S.L. It is funded by Intervention 7161 – Grants for the implementation of projects of operational groups of the European Association for Innovation in Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (AEI-*Agri), within the framework of the Strategic Plan of the PEC 2023-2027.